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Robert Reich: The Truth Behind The Public Option

Yesterday, I posted a video of Obama adviser Robert Reich saying that we should just let old people die because paying for their health care is "too expensive."

As that post goes viral today (most notably with a mention from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit), I decided to dig up some more on Robert Reich. Check out what he says in this recent video to persuade you to support the Democrats' "public option:"

The money quote is this:

"Not surprisingly, there are powerful groups with a huge self interest in seeing this reform fail... They're betting if they confuse and scare you enough about change, you'll decide to stay with a flawed system that everyone hates and costs too much. Look it's the same old game. They want to scare you. And they have plenty of money and plenty of political partisans to do their dirty work."

I see, Mr. Reich- so when opponents of the Democrats' so-called reforms say that they will ration care to the elderly, skyrocket the costs of care, and hurt innovation, they're just powerful interest groups trying to scare Americans?

Then what do you say to the Robert Reich from two years ago that said:

"You young healthy people- you're going to have to pay more... And by the way... if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive, so we're going to let you die.

Also... I'm going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal government... to force drug companies... to reduce their costs, but that means less innovation, and that means less new products, and less new drugs on the markets, which means you are probably not going to live that much longer than your parents."

Kind of puts a damper on your argument when you candidly said all the things that the "fear-mongers" are warning the American people about. We're not scare-mongers, Mr. Reich.

The rationing, the costs, the stifled innovation... all that will happen with the Democrats' proposals, and not only did you say so two years ago in your speech at UC Berkeley, but you said that it should be that way- to a cheering audience.

Patriots, this story is starting to catch on, especially with a much appreciated boost from Glenn Reynolds at Pajamas Media. Please keep spreading the news and sharing that video with everyone you know.

We have caught the Democrats in a lie, and we had better push forward with this as Congress makes its final, last-ditch effort to seize control of our health care. This is positively scandalous- Mr. Reich is going to be the next Van Jones if we have the courage to make him account for his words.

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