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Thank You From The Bottom of My Heart!

As many of you already know, this blog turns one year old in less than a week on October 2nd, when in 2008, I put this blog together and published its first post (the About Page).

I've done a lot of things to renew and revamp the blog. To begin with, I have some phenomenal articles in store for you during the month of October!

New Ways to Support THL

Additionally, I have put together several new pages to help THL supporters know how they can make a measurable difference towards making this website the hottest new political blog on the Internet.

Visit the new and improved "Support Page" by clicking here or using the little button with a heart on it at the top of the sidebar.

Attention Webmasters and Bloggers:

Of particular interest to webmasters and bloggers should be two new pages. One offers paid advertising at THL (a quick and affordable way to get traffic to your site).

The other offers paid consulting services to help you improve and market your website, blog, or business with better graphics, more functional design, high quality content, or an entirely new strategy altogether.

Thank You!

Last of all, I just wanted to share the following personal message to all of you- straight from my heart:


Greetings Patriots!

What We Accomplished In One Short Year:

The Humble Libertarian has grown in leaps and bounds since it first started on October 2nd of last year, from a blog that had only two visitors (me and my partner in crime, Ben Bryan) to a blog that has averaged nearly a thousand page views a day (with nearly five hundred unique visitors daily) totaling over twenty-five thousand page views for the month of September 2009.

With your help and support THL has also been instrumental in promoting U.S. Senate Candidate Rand Paul's 2010 bid for Kentucky's open seat. This May, just days after Rand Paul (son of Congressman Ron Paul) announced his exploratory committee, I conceived, and with your help: launched, planned, promoted, executed (successfully!), and publicized the very first Rand Paul money bomb ever, raising Rand Paul twenty-five thousand dollars in a single day- all right here at THL!

It is no mystery then, that this website has gotten the attention of several other movers and shakers in the conservative / libertarian movement, whose words I will let speak for themselves at the end of this letter.

Let's Make Year 2 Even Better!

In the meantime, with THL's birthday in less than a week, I wanted to ask you personally to help me turn a corner and make this website the hottest new thing in politics!

Here are a few things you can do to help. Don't feel overwhelmed, but if you believe in the message and mission of THL, please pick just one or two and run with them!

1. Participate in The Humble Libertarian's birthday giveaway contest. It is easy for anyone to enter (it will take you less than five minutes), it will help me out a ton, and it will give you the opportunity to win some great prizes. Hurry! You only have until Thursday to enter! Please do this one ASAP.

2. Donate to The Humble Libertarian. Your contributions will help me take THL to the next level. There are so many power blogs for "lefties" like The DailyKos and The Huffington Post- we center-right / conservative / libertarians badly need one of our own, and it is my vision and dream to turn THL into just that. At my Donation Page, I explain exactly how THL will turn your contribution into liberty!

3. Make it a weekly habit to share articles you like from The Humble Libertarian with people who you know would find them interesting or challenging.

4. Volunteer for The Humble Libertarian. That's right- we need volunteers and you are eligible! Visit the Volunteer Page for details.

By doing just one or two of the items above, you have no idea how much you will be helping me out and advancing the cause of Liberty for ourselves and for future generations!

What other people are saying about THL:

"Thank you for your great blog."
-David J. Theroux
Founder and President
The Independent Institute

"A wide range of libertarian thought, from the left side of the libertarian spectrum to the right. It's on my Favorites bar, for sure!"
-Eric Dondero, fmr. Senior Aide to US Rep. Ron Paul

"Simply Put: The Humble Libertarian is required reading for all those involved in the liberty movement. Uncompromising and consistent in its pursuit of constitutional principles, The Humble Libertarian is a site I proudly frequent. I've yet to miss a post since I first discovered this great blog, and I advise the same for you."
-Daryl at In Defense of the Constitution

"The Ron Paul campaign is long over, but Messamore still promotes its platform."
-The Tennessean

"Too often the word 'libertarian' is misunderstood. The Humble Libertarian shows the true face of movement away from control and toward freedom."
-J. P. Arendt, Rise of Reason

"Thank you so much for the wonderful service your blog provides. It's great to see communication in action, meaning you do take the time to read your readers comments and e-mails. You never cease to astound me with the eloquent way you put into words what many of your readers are thinking and feeling about our government."
-Dave at Spiney's Notes

"I love the format, clean crisp and eminently readable, no gimmicks, more power to your elbow!"
-Anna Raccoon

"THL is a great place to learn about liberty and what’s going on in the freedom movement today. Wes and the crew can be very proud of how he is building up libertarians everywhere to be better informed, better people."
-Norman Horn,

"Wes (The Humble Libertarian) is a very intelligent, informed, kind Tennessean blogging away for Liberty. I enjoyed meeting him at the last Tea Party in Nashville. Please review some of his original posts and essays for a true Libertarian or Constitutionally balanced perspective."
-"Fortunate Son" at Tennessee Sons of Liberty

"Visit The Humble Libertarian website. Educate yourself. Laugh a little. Get angry a lot."
-TennZen, Enlightenment Southern Style

"A refreshing outlook for the cause of liberty. What an incredible young man. There is hope for America and liberty with young citizen-thinkers like Wes."

Thanks so much for all your support over the past year! And thanks in advance for all your help in taking The Humble Libertarian to the next level!

Yours Sincerely,
For Liberty and Prosperity,
Wes Messamore,
Owner, Editor, Chief Contributor
The Humble Libertarian

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