He has boldly challenged the establishment incumbent and career politician Tom Cole, for the U.S. Congress seat representing the Fourth District of Oklahoma.
Tomorrow (Sunday, Sept. 20th) I will have the exciting privilege of interviewing Mr. Harris live at 7:00 pm Central Time (8 EST / 6 MTN).
The interview will stream live over the Internet via Blog Talk Radio, and you can listen to the show here or just visit here again at The Humble Libertarian where I will have a widget ready to play the show live for you.
Sorry, I will not be taking calls for the show, but if this works out well and I decide to do some live shows more frequently, I would love to take callers in the future to discuss politics and current events.
You are encouraged however, to discuss and respond via Twitter using The Humble Libertarian's hashtag: #THL
If you are free tomorrow for just thirty minutes between 7 and 7:30 Central, please take this opportunity to get better acquainted with a candidate we can count on to diminish the role, size, and influence of the United States government.
See you there!