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The Humble Libertarian's Birthday Giveaway

How exciting! The Humble Libertarian's first birthday is coming up this October 2nd. That's right, this blog turns 1 in less than two weeks!

It is unbelievable to consider how far we've come in such a short time and positively energizing to dream big for this libertarian website's future. To celebrate, I'm giving away some really awesome prizes:

3rd Place - A copy of "The Revolution: A Manifesto" by Congressman Ron Paul ('s "Most Loved" Book of 2008):

2nd Place - A free 1 year NRA Membership, which includes:
- Official NRA members-only shooter's cap
- Your choice of monthly NRA magazines
- Membership card and automobile decal
- Insurance for you and your guns
- Invitations to "Friends of NRA" dinners, other special events and more...

GRAND PRIZE - An autographed copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, by none other than U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul. I got this pocket Constitution and Declaration of Independence signed by Dr. Rand Paul during a private reception when he came to speak in Nashville last month, and I am giving it away for The Humble Libertarian's birthday!

How To Enter The Birthday Giveaway

The deadline for entry is at the end of the day on Thursday, October 1st. I will be doing a drawing for the prizes. There are a number of ways to enter:
  • If you Tweet about the contest with a link to this post, your name will get entered into the drawing once. You may Tweet up to 3 times to get 3 entries into the drawing. Include the hashtag "#THL" in each Tweet so that I can keep up and give you the right amount of entries.
  • If you e-mail your friends, family, co-workers, etc. (be sure to carbon copy me) to tell them about The Humble Libertarian with a link to this contest, you'll get one entry for each person you e-mail (limit of 5). I won't use or give out your friends' e-mail addresses and I will delete them from my Gmail account at the end of this contest.
  • If you subscribe to this blog via e-mail to get daily updates on news and politics from a perspective that emphasizes limited government, strict constitutionalism, and individual liberty, your name will be entered three times into the Birthday Giveaway Contest. Subscribe by typing your e-mail address into the box below and clicking "Subscribe."

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  • If you are a blogger and do a short post on your blog about this contest and link back to this post, you will get 3 entries into the drawing. Just be sure to e-mail me with a link to your post.
  • If you put the following badge in a prominent place on your blog or website, you will get 3 entries. Again, be sure to e-mail me with a link to your page so that I know.

The Humble Libertarian Birthday Giveaway Contest

  • If you purchase any Libertarian Merchandise at all from my store between now and the end of the contest, you will get 4 entries in the drawing. Don't forget to e-mail me to let me know what you purchased and include the billing name.

You are welcome (and encouraged!) to do any combination of the options above to get your name entered into the drawing as many times as possible. It's perfect because you still get a chance to win even if you only do one thing, but if you do more, your odds improve!

The Legal Stuff
  • I will need a name and shipping address for winners so that I can ship you your prizes, and when I announce the winners on this blog, I will announce them by first name and state or city only.
  • As I noted with each method of entry above, make sure I know about it and make sure I can get in touch with you.
  • I will not publish, sell, or make available to a third party in any way, your e-mail address when you enter, or any other private information you give me like a shipping address if you win.
  • I reserve the right to amend the terms of the contest as necessary. I'm sure that won't happen, but it never hurts to say so in writing just in case.

So what are you waiting for? Start racking up those entries with tweets, e-mails, subscriptions, blogs, badges, and/or a purchase of your favorite item from our Libertarian Merchandise page!

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