Alrighty folks- I have some great news! I am in the process of taking over responsibilities as the Deputy Treasurer for a Political Action Committee (you'll hear all about it when our new website goes live, hopefully later this month). You can be sure however, that I will continue writing great content on a regular and frequent basis here at THL.
The cool thing about it is that I feel like my electoral activism has dominated a disproportionate amount of the content here lately, and I would like to get back to some very deep, analytical-type essays about policy and the proper role of government.
So a lot of my work and writing with respect to libertarian candidates and electoral activism will likely move to the new PAC website, while I continue to write political essays and keep you updated on other news here at The Humble Libertarian.
I have lots of good articles in store for you and you will likely notice a marked difference in the style of content over the next month. I am also putting together an issues page tonight, which I will hopefully have completed and linked to by tomorrow.
That said, please share your thoughts, feelings, and suggestions about the nature of the content here. What have you liked and not liked? Have you actually preferred the posts I've been doing lately? Will you be glad to see me get back to the kind of writing I was originally doing more of here? Would some balance between these suit you better? Just let me know!
Charging Forward,PS: I updated my favicon (I tried this multiple times before and failed- it finally worked for me tonight.)! If it's not showing up in your browser and you'd like to see it, clearing your cache may help (particularly for IE).
-W. E. Messamore