A week ago, the libertarian Cato Institute launched an ad campaign to oppose government-run health care in the U.S. -featuring a full-page ad in major national newspapers across the country. “Our goal is to help the American public navigate terms like ‘a public plan’ and ‘individual or employer mandates’ to understand what is really happening here,” said Ed Crane , founder and president of the Cato Institute. “The bottom line is, most of the plans coming from the White House and congressional leadership will result in a government-run health care system that is really not the best option for most Americans.” The ad campaign centers on a website that the Cato Institute has set up with tons of great information on health care and the role that liberty can play in reforming it and correcting its problems. But wait! There's more! The institute is also running excellent radio ads like these: You gotta love what the Cato Institute is up to! They are seizing this moment as an opp...
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