1. A Strategy to Trend on Twitter
The Cap and Trade bill that recently passed the House by a narrow margin, is a true crisis for freedom in America and the world. We have got to make sure it dominates every form of media as the key issue at hand until it is soundly defeated!
The election in Iran and the subsequent Mousavi protests made for three of the trending topics on Twitter at any given moment for several days- forcing the mainstream media to increase its coverage, as Twitter is an excellent gauge of the public consciousness and interest.
Until we can break through to at least one trending topic with the Cap and Trade issue, the media will continue to ignore the magnitude of this national crisis. In order to do so, we must settle on one "hashtag" for now and we must Tweet it often!
I nominate #C&T because it is the shortest- leaving room for more commentary and links (which is crucial in Twitter's 140 character format), it is unique, and it neatly sums up and alludes to the words "Cap and Trade."
It is also editorially neutral- which will invite "progressives" to use it as well when referring to Cap and Trade. It invites everyone to the conversation- a conversation we desperately need to have before our freedoms evaporate.
We have got to Tweet and ReTweet frequently about #C&T and use the hashtag.
2. Call The "RINO Tr8ters"!
And let them know you will be supporting whichever real conservative decides to challenge them in a Republican primary for 2010.
Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330
Castle (DE) 202-225-4165
Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835
Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361
Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572
McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611
Reichart (WA) 202-225-7761
Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765
3. Start calling your Senators now!
Call early and call often.
We have to aggressively kill this bill right now!