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Melt the Switchboards! Urge "NO" Vote on the HR 2454 Cap and Trade Bill

Call your representatives in Congress right now and tell them not to vote for the Cap and Trade bill that is being aggressively pushed through by Speaker Pelosi. In fact- call other people's representatives too! They're spending your money after all, and trying to regulate your life.

Below this sample of what to say, I have a list of representatives and how they're leaning on the Cap and Trade bill at present, as well as a link to find your own representative's phone number by simply entering your zip code.

When you call, politely, but firmly say:


I am calling to urge Rep __________ to vote “NO” on HR 2454- the Cap & Trade bill.

This is an outrageous grab for power that will drastically increase the tax burden and cost of living for hard working Americans.

No Representative who votes for this bill will be getting my vote in 2010.

Thank you and have a great day!

Click here to find your representative's contact information. Courtesy of Americans for Prosperity, the following is a list of representatives and how they're leaning on the Cap and Trade bill:

Republican List (Unlisted are solid no)

Solid Yes
Bono, Mary California

Lean Yes
Castle, Michael Delaware
Ehlers, Vernon Michigan
Lance, Leonard New Jersey
Lobiondo, Frank New Jersey
McHugh, John New York
Reichert, Dave Washington
Smith, Chris New Jersey

Buchanan, Vern Florida
Kirk, Mark Illinois
Petri, Thomas Wisconsin

Lean No
Fortenberry, Jeffrey Nebraska
Frelinghuysen, Rod New Jersey
Gerlach, Jim Pennsylvania

Democratic List (Unlisted are solid yes)

Lean No
Boswell, Leonard Iowa
Etheridge, Bob North Carolina
Halvorson, Debbie Illinois
Hinojosa, Ruben Texas
Kaptur, Marcy Ohio
Marshall, Jim Georgia
Massa, Eric New York
Salazar, John Colorado
Thompson, Bennie Mississippi

Arcuri, Michael New York
Bishop, Sanford Georgia
Boccieri, John Ohio
Boyd, Allen Florida
Brown, Corrine Florida
Carney, Chris Pennsylvania
Dicks, Norm Washington
Donnelly, Joe Indiana
Foster, Bill Illinois
Green, Al Texas
Jackson Lee, Sheila Texas
Kind, Ronald Wisconsin
Kirkpatrick, Ann Arizona
Space, Zach Ohio (voted yes in committee)
Teague, Harry New Mexico
Tonko, Paul New York

Lean Yes
Abercrombie, Neil Hawaii
Adler, John New Jersey
Baca, Joe California
Bean, Melissa Illinois
Cardoza, Dennis California
Clay, William Missouri
Costa, Jim California
Driehaus, Steve Ohio
Fudge, Marcia Ohio
Grayson, Alan Florida
Green, Gene Texas
Himes, Jim Connecticut
Kagan, Steve Wisconsin
Kildee, Dale Michigan
Kosmas, Suzanne Florida
Kratovil, Frank Maryland
Maffei, Dan New York
Mary Jo Kilroy Ohio
McMahon, Michael New York
Meek, Kendrick Florida
Meeks, Gregory New York
Mitchell, Harry Arizona
Murphy, Scott New York
Nye, Glenn Virginia
Peters, Gary Michigan
Rodriguez, Ciro Texas
Schauer, Mark Michigan
Shuler, Heath North Carolina
Skelton, Ike Missouri

Solid No - Call to confirm/thank/support!
Altmire, Jason Pennsylvania
Barrow, John Georgia
Berry, Marion Arkansas
Boren, Dan Oklahoma
Bright, Bobby Alabama
Childers, Travis Mississippi
Costello, Jerry Illinois
Cuellar, Henry Texas
Dahlkemper, Kathy Pennsylvania
Davis, Artur Alabama
Davis, Lincoln Tennessee
Defazio, Peter Oregon
Doggett, Lloyd Texas
Edwards, Chat Texas (No "in current form")
Ellsworth, Brad Indiana
Griffith, Parker Alabama
Herseth, Stephanie South Dakota
Holden, Tim Pennsylvania
Kissell, Larry North Carolina
Kucinich, Dennis Ohio
Matheson, Jim Utah
McIntyre, Mike North Carolina
Melancon, Charlie Louisiana
Minnick, Walt Idaho
Mollohan, Alan West Virginia
Ortiz, Solomon Texas
Pomeroy, Earl North Dakota
Rahall, Nick West Virginia
Ross, Mike Arkansas
Scott, David Georgia
Tanner, John Tennessee
Taylor, Gene Mississippi
Wilson, Charlie Ohio

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