Updates on the Rand Paul Money Bomb
When Rand Paul announced his exploratory committee, he said that if incumbent Senator Bunning steps down he will absolutely run in the Republican Primary.
I am excited to announce that this Wednesday, Rand Paul took it a step further and said in an interview that if he raises a significant amount of money over the next several months, he would give serious consideration to challenging Bunning and any other potential contenders in the Primary.
In effect, Rand has presented a lofty challenge to local and national supporters. If they shower him with financial support, he will answer the call of duty.
Could this be a subtle hint aimed at us moneybombers? Then today, Dr. Paul posted this video to RandPaul2010.com, urging us to help him raise enough money to wage a successful campaign for Senate. See you guys on Rand's donation page this Monday!
Support From Notable Leaders
Also, we are getting a lot of support from some major leaders in the liberty movement. Shelly Roche is behind the Money Bomb this June 1st, and has placed a badge on her website, Break the Matrix, in addition to letting me post a featured update there to promote the Money Bomb.
Rand Paul also has the support of Congressional candidate Adam Kokesh, who put a badge on his own website in addition to featuring the Money Bomb in an update. We also got a link from the good folks at Liberty Maven (with some excellent comments).
There are some major players in the freedom revolution who want to see this Money Bomb raise Rand Paul enough to really embolden him. Let's answer the call!
Humble Libertarian Announcements
Because of the Money Bomb on June 1st, THL's monthly libertarian webzine / blog carnival will not be posted on the first of the month as usual, but a day late on June 2nd.
Retraction: I apparently made a mistake in this article... scroll down to the comments to see the correction. Thanks Anonymous commenter!