I have a guest post up today over at Eric Dondero's blog, Libertarian Republican. It features four main areas of analysis concerning President Obama's appointment of Judge Sotomayor to our nation's highest court. These are:
1. It was a cynical, racial pick calculated to prevent any real, legitimate, non-racial debate about how she would perform on the Supreme Court, because anyone who opposes her will be painted as racist whether it's true or not.
2. Judge Sotomayor herself expressed extremely racist and sexist sentiments in her now-famous 2001 quote, and we shouldn't take any chances on putting a racist on our nation's highest court.
3. Judge Sotomayor, it would appear, is not even very legally competent, certainly not legally exemplary, and most certainly not qualified for the SCOTUS.
4. Judge Sotomayor has an abysmal record on upholding our basic freedoms as enumerated in the Constitution. She is a friend of affirmative action and an enemy of gun-rights, free speech, free markets, private property, and most of all- empathy!
Here's my article. Check it out and please browse around Eric's site. He's got some great coverage up there (especially most recently- regarding Obama's "Chryslergate scandal").