Nationwide 'tea party' protests blast bailout:
(CNN) -- Conservatives are showing they know their way around the Internet just as well as liberals, as more than 300 organized "tea party" protests raged across the nation Wednesday. The protests are a backlash against President Obama's bailout policies.
Conservatives have borrowed a page from Obama's Web-savvy style which he leaned on heavily during the '08 campaign and still uses to push initiatives.
Protesters on Wednesday said like their colonial forebears, they felt that their voices were not being heard by their government.
Today is a proud day for Americans to stand together in defiance of their government's long list of abuses. The history of the present reigning establishment in Washington D.C. is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these United States of America. To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid world:
Washington politicians have repeatedly ignored and defied the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the United States of America.
They have usurped the sovereign powers and rights that belong to each of the fifty states and to their citizens, respectively.
So many of them are notorious for living scandal-tainted lives lacking utterly in basic human virtue and characterized by corruption, lies, hypocrisy, broken laws, and broken campaign promises.
They eschew reasoned dialectic in favor of spiteful invective and dizzying sophistry, replacing discussion with evasion, debate with obfuscation, and reasoned arguments with the brute force of their laws.
They assume to themselves ever more illegal and unchecked powers and wield them to the detriment of our liberty.
They clamor for endless, expensive, unjustified, and ineffective wars.
They spend our hard-earned money on endless, expensive, unjustified, and ineffective social and economic programs.
Today people are going to ask why you didn't protest while Bush ran his deficits. Ask them why they aren't protesting now. People are going to argue that your historical analogy is false because the original Boston Tea Party was a protest against taxation without representation and that you have representation. Ask them if our children and future generations that will pay for these deficits have a voice or a representative in Congress. Ask them if you are being fairly represented when your representative didn't even have a chance to read the stimulus legislation before it was put to a vote. Ask them whether all the secrecy and closed-door committee meetings in Congress are republican or oligarchical.
Enjoy this day. Be proud of yourself and be proud of your country. I'm very proud to see people taking such an active interest in their future. Just remember that we can't stop with a few demonstrations on the street. We need to roll this into a sustained political and ideological campaign against tyranny. You can read more on that in my March 4th article entitled "The American Tea Party 2009: Goals, Objectives, and Principles."
You can follow any news alerts related to the Tea Party today on Twitter.
Happy protesting!