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Where Are Democrats Right Now? (Supporting Obama's Budget And Runaway Deficits)

As a follow up to yesterday's post, which answers the (annoying and evasive) question "Where were the conservatives when George W. Bush ran his deficits?" I am now putting the question to Democrats and so-called "progressives." Where are you and what are you doing right now? Do you have the rational foresight and moral courage at this moment to stand up and vocally oppose the fiscal irresponsibility of the Obama Administration and its partners in Congress? Or will you deflect and evade?

There's been a lot of talk in the news headlines lately about divisions on the left and strong criticisms of Obama's economic policies coming from left-wing sources. I don't know however, that I've specifically heard criticisms of Obama's deficits. Instead, the Democrats seem to be urging Obama and Congress to push full steam ahead with more and ever more spending:

" and Americans United for Change, the labor-backed organization that serves as the White House’s chief third-party operation, began airing ads Wednesday urging moderate Democrats in both the House and the Senate to get on board with the president’s budget."

What happened to the that decried bloated budgets for creating deficits that future generations will have to pay(?):

I guess those are only bad when the other party's president is in office?

But make no doubt about it,'s partisan bias to the contrary notwithstanding, Obama's budget is really bad. In fact, it's absolutely insane:

At his press conference last night, President Obama insisted once again that he inherited the budget deficit, and “we’re doing everything we can to reduce that deficit.” ... But the deficits over the next 10 years that Obama proposed in his budget are not George Bush’s deficits... The budget Obama proposes for this year increases federal spending by a fiscally insane 34% over the budget adopted for last year, with a total of $4 trillion in federal spending, the highest EVER.

Many Democrats have made a career of hiding behind children. Environmental alarmism, universal health care, free speech restrictions- "We've got to pass these laws people! Just think of the children!" So I find it curiously suspicious that when it comes to running colossal deficits, the Democrats don't seem to mind throwing the children under the bus.

If you are a person of reason and integrity, I urge you to speak out against this madness. Tell your Congressman, tell the White House, tell your family, your friends, your enemies, your co-workers, and people you meet on the street that something has got to be done about our politicians in Washington and these crazy deficits.

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