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The Top 100 Libertarian Blogs, Websites, and Podcasts (2019)

Top 100 Libertarian Blogs, Websites, and Podcasts

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The Top 100 Libertarian
Websites, Blogs, and Podcasts.

1. - Libertarians have understood for decades now that the primary source of the government's power, even more than the sheer titanic force of its overwhelming firepower, is its coercive monopolization and manipulation of the money supply. Long have libertarians let loose the chant, "End The Fed! End The Fed!" Here we have a means of direct action that no political force can ever nullify. Free market, private currency. Open source, transparent, decentralized, peer-to-peer, anonymous, cryptographically secure, and deflationary. The end of the imperialist Washington military monetary hegemony is nigh, and libertarians are getting wealthy off of absolutely knee-capping the federal government.


2. - Since getting elected to the United States Senate with a mandate from the people of Kentucky in the midst of the anti-tax, pro-constitution, pro-liberty Tea Party movement in 2010, Rand Paul has been one of Capitol Hill's most principled and tireless advocates for limited government, individual liberty, and rule of law. He's also been working very hard to end the wars and bring America's troops home to a hero's welcome.


3. WikiLeaks - Who has done more relevant journalism in the 21st Century, or perhaps even in the last hundred years, than WikiLeaks? Holding governments to account, putting into practice a radical transparency ethos when it comes to the world's most elite and powerful– WikiLeaks has put governments on notice: Your secrets aren't safe. You cannot hide malfeasance and nefarious activities in the darkness away from the public eye, carefully shrouded in sanitized network television programming. The Internet is here now, and people are using it to watch you back. Before WikiLeaks, libertarians were paranoid that the government was watching them. Now, because of WikiLeaks, governments are paranoid that libertarians are watching them.


4. The Cato Institute - Ever the enlightened scholars of Washington public policy analysis, Cato's researchers are responsible for a prolific output of empirical evidence in favor of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Hard lefties act like Cato is some right wing think tank, but they opposed the Iraq War, supported drug legalization, and were pro gay marriage before Obama was, and they wield both the philosophical rigor and the factual evidence to back it up.


5. The Libertarian Party (U.S.) - Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States with over 500,000 registered members. Though it's had to fight an uphill battle against election laws written by Democrats and Republicans to rig elections in their own favor, the LP has gained momentum, especially in recent years, receiving over 4 million votes in 2016 for its presidential candidate, New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson–– a 45-year, all-time record, easily quadrupling the second highest vote total ever received by a Libertarian. It is clear that voters are more interested than ever in a party of principle.


6. Reason Magazine - Libertarianism's news magazine in Washington DC. It was a monthly print magazine "of free minds and free markets" starting in 1970. During the 1970s and 80s, the magazine's contributors included Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Thomas Szasz and Thomas Sowell. The magazine has a circulation of around 50,000 and was named one of the 50 best magazines in 2003 and 2004 by the Chicago Tribune. The online version was founded by Virginia Postrel in 1995, and updates daily with several articles covering news, politics, and libertarianism.


7. The American Conservative - Founded by Scott McConnell, Patrick Buchanan, and Taki Theodoracopulos in 2002 in opposition to the Iraq War, the mission of the American conservative is to promote a conservatism that opposes unchecked power in government and business; promote the flourishing of families and communities through vibrant markets and free people; and embrace realism and restraint in foreign affairs based on America's national interests.


8. The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama promotes teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. The Mises Institute was founded in 1982 by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., Burton Blumert, and Murray Rothbard. Additional backing for its founding came from Mises's wife, Margit von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, Lawrence Fertig, and Nobel Economics Laureate Friedrich Hayek. The Austrian School of economics espoused by the institute is formidable in its explanatory power regarding the historical boom and bust cycles that have characterized modern, central banking economies.


9. Jordan B. Peterson - "Why don't you make yourself into an individual and get the hell away from the ideology?" -Jordan Peterson (CBC News Interview 1/28/18) Jordan Peterson is the practicing clinical psychiatrist and philosophy lecturer from Toronto University who became famous worldwide in 2017 for his free speech advocacy in Canada. Whether or not he would claim the term "libertarian" to describe himself, his elevation of the individual above collectivism, and his extraordinary intellectual project to summon the best resources civilization has to better understand the horrors of 20th century totalitarianism and prevent them from happening again, exemplify libertarian ideals to the highest degree, and with utmost sophistication and erudition. His YouTube channel is highly recommended, especially the deep tracks.


10. - This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the right who agree with's opposition to military imperialism. The site was founded in December 1995 to oppose U.S. intervention in the Balkans during the Clinton presidency. is already fighting the next information war, dedicated to the proposition that war hawks and our leaders are not going to be allowed to get away with it unopposed and unchallenged.


11. The Last Psychiatrist may or may not call himself a libertarian, but his polymathic grasp of psychology, pop culture, philosophy, media, marketing, and politics leads to some very critical thinking mapped out on the posts of this pseudonymous blog, that is sometimes libertarian in surprising ways you wouldn't have thought of due to the author's far reaching perception. As you read, you get a disconcerting sense of just how many steps ahead of you "the system," "the machine" is thinking. The blog is also a very entertaining read. It is unfortunately defunct. The most recent post was in May of 2014. Would love to know what The Last Psychiatrist is thinking about current events today, but this archive of posts has not lost any relevance with the passage of time.


12. Seth Godin is an influential author of business and marketing books who founded Yoyodyne, an early Internet marketing Dot Com in 1995, and sold it to Yahoo! for $30 million in 1998, becoming the early search giant's Vice President of Direct Marketing with the acquisition. He would probably be surprised that anyone considers him a libertarian and would most likely eschew the term to describe himself, maybe even feel like I'm libeling him by calling him one. Godin almost never writes about politics, but see that's one of the things that makes him so libertarian, and in that respect, even more libertarian than you or me, my dear politics-obsessed reader. Seth Godin is more obsessed than most libertarians with what libertarians consider to be the best solution to many of the world's problems: businesses and markets. Seth's blog is highly recommended, and so are his books, including: Purple Cow, The Dip, Tribes, and Linchpin.

13. The Joe Rogan Experience - I don't know if Joe Rogan has ever called himself a libertarian, but I'll call him one. He endorsed Ron Paul for president in 2012, sees straight through partisan dogma from both Republicans and Democrats, and has been a tireless advocate for the legalization, study, and use of consciousness enhancing substances. His podcast is very entertaining, and covers a wide range of subjects, including frequently, politics, about which Joe often expresses libertarian opinions, and he has interviewed many libertarian guests such as Gary Johnson, Dave Smith, Andreas Antonopoulos, Dave Rubin, Michael Malice, and Jordan Peterson. It's a powerful experience.


My apologies, as you can see, I am in the process of making the most ambitious update yet to this list, which I have maintained since 2009. For the first time it will include descriptions for each website, and I'm adding images and taking the time to make this really nice. I'm also adding some sites and removing others as I have done through-out the list's 10 year history.

I'll be letting everyone on the email list know when it's done:

Human Progress

National Right to Work Foundation

Liberty on The Rocks

Crypto Currency News

Reality Check with Ben Swann

Jack Hunter

The American Institute for Economic Research

The Intercept

Ron Paul Institute

The Independent Institute

The Institute For Humane Studies

Just One Minute

Gun Owners of America

Stefan Molyneux's Freedomain Radio

Zero Hedge

The Objective Standard

Strike The Root

Jeffrey Tucker's Laissez Faire Book Club

Personal Liberty

The Daily Liberator

Edward Snowden

The Foundation for Economic Education

Future of Freedom Foundation

Being Libertarian


Young Americans For Liberty

Students for Liberty

The Libertarian Institute

Bleeding Heart Libertarians

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Ron Paul Forums

The Dollar Vigilante

The Rubin Report

Advocates For Self-Government

Center for a Stateless Society

The Daily Bell

Pat Buchanan

Radley Balko's The Agitator


Walt Williams

Our America Initiative

The Competitive Enterprise Institute

Everything Voluntary

Library of Economics and Liberty

Campaign for Liberty

The Ayn Rand Institute (with apologies to Ayn Rand)

The Free State Project

Coin Desk

Caitlin Johnstone

Doug Stanhope

Cafe Hayek

We Are Libertarians

The Daily Reckoning

Marginal Revolution


Casey Research


Electronic Frontier Foundation

Libertarian Christians

Human Rights Watch

Peaceful Streets Project

John Stossel

The Scott Horton Show

The Adam Smith Institute

Peter Schiff's


The Libertarian Republic

Tenth Amendment Center

The John Locke Foundation


Lions of Liberty

The Institute For Justice

Daniel Hannan's YouTube Profile

Libertarian Papers

Foundation For Individual Rights in Education

The Second Amendment Foundation

Free Keene

"Free Advice" by: Robert P. Murphy

The Seasteading Institute

We Are Change

Free Talk Live

Matt Taibbi

The Ron Paul Curriculum

The Anti-Media

The New American

The Humble Libertarian

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