Hey folks, I have an upcoming post in the works that will consist of a "top 100" list of Libertarian blogs and websites. I think it'll be a fun and very helpful post, but- it's hard! Scouring the Internet and the recesses of my memory to come up with a list of 100 great websites and blogs that represent libertarian thought is actually pretty difficult.
Listed below is the rough brainstorm I've got going so far, and I would like any help you can give toward filling in the gaps. Any important libertarian organizations, think tanks, or websites that I'm missing? Any great libertarian websites that I should recommend that no one has likely heard of? Just start spouting off ideas in the comment threads, no need to worry that a site won't pass muster. That's part of the brainstorming process.
I have 34 libertarian blogs and websites so far (plus some blogs on my links page that I haven't included yet):
1. The Official Website of the Libertarian Party
2. The Cato Institute
3. The Ludwig von Mises Institute
4. The Acton Institute
5. The Adam Smith Institute
6. Reason Magazine
7. Library of Economics and Liberty
8. Bureaucrash
9. The Free State Project
10. The Prometheus Institute
11. Ron Paul's Perpetual Campaign for Liberty
12. Cafe Hayek
13. The Libertarian Alliance Blog
14. The Austrian Economists
15. Marginal Revolution
16. The Foundation for Economic Education
17. Samizdata
18. The Christian Libertarian
19. Advocates For Self-Government
20. Foundation For Individual Rights in Education
21. The Fraser Institute
22. The Institute For Humane Studies
23. The Institute For Justice
24. Libertarianism.com
25. Alliance For School Choice
26. RonPaul.com
27. The Freedom Factory
28. GetLiberty.org - Americans for Limited Government
29. International Society for Individual Liberty
30. Libertarians for Life
31. Liberty Maven
32. Libertarian Rock
33. GOP for Liberty
34. The Humble Libertarian