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Congressman Ron Paul's Son, Rand Paul Considering Senate Run In 2010!

Rand Paul campaigning for his father, Ron Paul in NH - Image by nicco (CC)

Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul's close and enthusiastic circle of followers is on fire with whispers and rumors about his son Rand Paul's possible Senate bid in 2010. Here's a little more information:

Is Rand Paul Running?

He is definitely considering it. Matt Collins, a well-connected Middle-Tennessee activist for liberty and associate of Rand Paul has heard it directly from Dr. Paul himself:

After several phone and e-mail conversations with Dr. Rand Paul in the last couple days he has made it clear that he is indeed considering running for Senate in 2010!

But if incumbent Senator Jim Bunning (R) decides to run again in 2010, Rand Paul will be much less likely to oppose him in the Republican primary (though supporters hope that is still a possibility). Interestingly, Senator Bunning's reelection bid appears to be on somewhat shaky grounds and the Republican Party leadership views his seat as very "vulnerable" to a Democratic challenger due to his extremely narrow win in 2004.

Who Is Rand Paul?

In his bid for the Republican nomination to run for President in 2008, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas sparked a "revolution" of political activism in favor of limited government, civil liberties, rule of law, and a humble foreign policy. His son, Dr. Rand Paul (M.D. just like his dad), resides and practices ophthalmology in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Can we expect Rand Paul to support limited government like his father, Ron Paul?

Rand answers "Yes-"

"I think in many ways we'd be similar. We both believe in limited government. I believe that government should run balanced budgets."

A summary of Rand Paul's positions:

  • Against "Big Government"
  • Against deficit spending (supports balanced budgets)
  • Against monetizing Federal expenditures (printing more money, which causes inflation)
  • Against "Bailouts"
  • Against nationalizing banking institutions
  • Against fighting wars without a proper declaration from Congress

Sounds good to me! Serious believers in more limited government need to take notice and take action to encourage Rand Paul to run, and then follow through with support for his campaign.

What you can do to make it happen:

I have the following from Matt Collins in an e-mail dated Feb 27:

Rand Paul's request is that we “Set the Internet abuzz” by posting about his considering to run and specifically link to the the AP article and one that will be out tonight on WBKO's web site tonight. Again, make this message go viral. So please post about him everywhere! Blogs, Message Forums and Your Meetups, Craigs list and whenever possible sites local to Kentucky. If you have personal mailing lists – let um rip!

He will be watching those 2 articles and weighing his chances based on how much interest is generated. He also thinks it's pre-mature to do fund raising, get volunteers or set up a web site.

So in addition to making some noise on and for the two pages linked above, here's what we can do to show Rand Paul that he has our support and to make this story go viral:

  • Send letters to the editors of Kentucky newspapers. So that we get a good spread, pick a paper or two with names that start with a letter that is the same as (or close to) your last name. Here's a list:
  • Search for and link to pages that mention Rand Paul. He does not have much search volume or page ranking on Google, so search for him daily and if you are a blogger or webmaster, link to pages that mention him (like this one for example!).
  • Write and edit a Wikipedia page for him. Rand Paul currently doesn't have a Wikipedia page. At the time I'm writing this (1:06 PM American Central Time on Feb 28), a Wikipedia search for "Rand Paul" redirects to the Ron Paul article. Let's get a good quality, well-sourced article up soon.
  • Join the Facebook group here.
  • Sign this PledgeBank Pledge here. It's a promise to donate $50 to Rand Paul's campaign if he decides to run. This will let him know how many people are willing to pony up and help make his campaign a success. If he enjoys the "moneybomb" fundraising power that his father did, he will blow the competition away. What's really exciting is that he will likely get fundraising from people in all the other states who support his message of liberty and limited government. ONLY sign the pledge if you really mean it. Set the money aside and be prepared to donate it if Rand Paul announces that he will run for sure.
  • Call Kentucky radio stations and C-SPAN (and call often!). Here's a list:
  • WGTK 970 AM Louisville, KY This is a Conservative / political radio station. Shows: Bennett Mornings: 6-9AM: 866-680-6464 , Michael Medved Show: time? 1-800-955-1776, Hugh Hewitt Show: time? 1-800-520-1234, Dennis Prager Show: time? 1-877-243-7776, Mike Gallagher Show: time? (v)1-800-655-MIKE (f) 1-800-821-MIKE

Many of these stations have polls, blogs, etc. VISIT THEM! All of them have streaming audio.

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