ran a famous ad that asked the question: "Guess who's going to pay off President Bush's $1 trillion deficit?" They were correct to answer thusly:
Our children pay off deficits. Future generations pay off deficits. The people who enjoy their tax cuts today will pay off deficits (with interest) tomorrow.
Both "sides" have been hypocritical
Many Democrats likely nodded their agreement when the MoveOn ad came out- where are they now? And what are they saying about Obama's unprecedented deficits after only a month in office? Polls show that Democrats skew heavily in favor of the stimulus (82% supported it by Feb 11). Many Republicans oppose Obama's deficits now, but where was their concern these last five years? They defended Bush's deficits using Obama's current rhetoric: "We were experiencing an emergency. We had to spend that money. If we didn't our country would sink into an irreparable catastrophe."
The deficit is not a partisan issue
People, this is not about partisan politics. I am not interested in advancing either major party's agenda or polishing their image. This is not and should not be a partisan issue. Any sane, responsible person should be able to see that this kind of spending is unsustainable and will have only a negative effect on our prosperity and future. And any honest person should be able to see that both major parties are responsible for this and both major parties should be reformed. Voters in both parties should kick out policy-makers who have made this mess and elect only candidates who promise to get this problem under control.
We have to start caring and taking action now
If people continue to support irresponsible deficit spending when their party is in power and then oppose it when "the other" party is in power, both parties will just take turns robbing us until there's nothing left. We have got to put an end to it now. Otherwise we will be saddling our children and future generations with this:

(Source- PowerlineBlog | Hat Tip: David Boaz, The Cato Institute)
And this:
Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Image © 2009 The Humble Libertarian
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Our children pay off deficits. Future generations pay off deficits. The people who enjoy their tax cuts today will pay off deficits (with interest) tomorrow.
Both "sides" have been hypocritical
Many Democrats likely nodded their agreement when the MoveOn ad came out- where are they now? And what are they saying about Obama's unprecedented deficits after only a month in office? Polls show that Democrats skew heavily in favor of the stimulus (82% supported it by Feb 11). Many Republicans oppose Obama's deficits now, but where was their concern these last five years? They defended Bush's deficits using Obama's current rhetoric: "We were experiencing an emergency. We had to spend that money. If we didn't our country would sink into an irreparable catastrophe."
The deficit is not a partisan issue
People, this is not about partisan politics. I am not interested in advancing either major party's agenda or polishing their image. This is not and should not be a partisan issue. Any sane, responsible person should be able to see that this kind of spending is unsustainable and will have only a negative effect on our prosperity and future. And any honest person should be able to see that both major parties are responsible for this and both major parties should be reformed. Voters in both parties should kick out policy-makers who have made this mess and elect only candidates who promise to get this problem under control.
We have to start caring and taking action now
If people continue to support irresponsible deficit spending when their party is in power and then oppose it when "the other" party is in power, both parties will just take turns robbing us until there's nothing left. We have got to put an end to it now. Otherwise we will be saddling our children and future generations with this:

(Source- PowerlineBlog | Hat Tip: David Boaz, The Cato Institute)
And this:

Image © 2009 The Humble Libertarian
Spread the Word!