As promised, here's the update on how things went at the Tennessee Tea Party 2009 on Friday, February 27, 2009. The Tennessean reported:
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the state capitol Friday, despite the heavy rains that turned the War Memorial plaza into a puddle, for a “Nashville Tea Party” rallying against the $787 billion federal stimulus package.
In fact, the estimate was about 600 in attendance bearing tea and hilarious signs. One totally crazy guy even dressed up like a Native American the way they did at the original Tea Party in Boston:

He argued that we were doing a great thing that day, but that our actions paled in comparison to those of our forebears, who had to disguise themselves to avoid retribution at the hands of a tyrannical establishment. He said that their actions were far bolder than ours and that we 21st century Americans aren't radical enough.

He was the best dressed guy there. After the event was over, half the crowd marched down the street to the local Congressional office of Congressman Jim Cooper to rebuke him for voting to pass the "Stimulus Package."

Here's The Tennessean's short video covering the event. It's only two minutes long and if you wait until the end, you'll hear a "really smart" guy say a thing or two about the protest. He had a little bit of nervous energy, but he showed a lot of spirit!