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Self-Defense Alternatives In The Case of Banned Firearms

It's old news now that gun sales have been through the roof since Barack Obama's election to America's highest office in November. "Buyers and sellers attribute the surge to worries that Obama and a Democratic-controlled Congress will move to restrict firearm ownership, despite the insistence of campaign aides that the president-elect supports gun rights and considers the issue a low priority."

Then the shocking headline made its rounds earlier this week that Congress could pass legislation allowing Barack Obama's Attorney General- Eric Holder- to "ban guns at will." Let's certainly hope that this does not come to pass (I have my doubts- the backlash would be too great), but if it does, here are some great alternatives for your self-defense:

1. The Knife

Smith & Wesson SW3B Special Ops M-9 Bayonet Special Force Knife, Black

Don't worry. Handguns aren't the only thing your pals Smith & Wesson manufacture. You can feel safe and defend yourself from would-be muggers and thugs by carrying these. They look so scary, that just pulling one out might be enough to scare off an aggressor. What kind of freak carries something like that around anyways? The kind that you don't want to mess with.

If you're a serious knife enthusiast, I also recommend you check out my friend, the Panday (which means "knifesmith" in Tagalog, the language of the Philippines). I've been following his blog for a couple years now, and as a manufacturer of high-quality, custom-made knives, he consistently creates some of the most elegant, awesome knives I have ever seen. Drop him an e-mail to inquire about his prices and product selection. Here's a sample of his work:

2. Pepper Spray/Mace

Pepper Spray In Blue Molded Keycase With Belt Clip - 0.5oz

This one is a great self-defense option. It is non-threatening, inconspicuous, and easy to carry. It's light, but packs a lot of punch. You can attach it to your key-chain and deliver a blast of stinging chemicals into the eyes and lungs of an attacker. Makes a great gift for that special someone whose safety you worry about.

3. Taser/Stun Gun
TASER® C2 Black with LED light, Lithium Power Magazine (LPM)

Your attacker will go from "Give me your money!" to "Don't tase me, bro!" in seconds when you whip out a taser and threaten the pain of several hundred thousand volts of electrical energy in one powerful blast. You ladies can even use the kind that is cleverly disguised as lipstick:

350,000 Volt Lipstick Stun Gun By Cheetah Rechargeable with built in Flashlight CH-18

4. Nunchucks

If you can do some scary cool nunchuck work, you will impress and intimidate your attacker. Getting one of these in response to a ban on guns would actually be quite fitting, as nunchucks were originally agricultural threshing implements in the Far East, improvised as a weapon in response to government bans on edged weapons like swords. Get yourself a pair (they're a lot cheaper than tasers) and learn how to use them from this guy:

5. Ninja Stars/Throwing Knives

Wave Shuriken (Throwing Star)

If you're going to get a set of nunchucks, you might as well complete your self-defense kit with a set of ninja throwing stars or knives. Find somewhere safe to practice throwing them, then be prepared to take action to stun and slow the progress of an attacker. This will buy you time to either make a run for it, or pull out your nunchucks and take care of business.

6. Baseball Bat

Louisville Slugger Adult Ash Wood Baseball Bats - Grand Slam Model

Like the clever peasants of the Far East who adapted every day tools like the nunchuck to use as weapons in response to government bans on conventional weaponry, we Americans might have to use our famous ingenuity to use various every day items like baseball bats as weapons to defend ourselves. My father keeps two baseball bats in his Jeep, and they almost came in handy one day when a hostile, road-enraged driver followed my family around yelling threats and provoking them to park and fight him. Thankfully, the man tired of his harassment and drove off.

In closing, remember to check your local and state laws regarding carrying concealed weapons of any kind. They are likely to vary from place to place. And do remember that if you are assaulted by someone who has a gun, pretty much none of this stuff will do you any good, and you'll learn that the hard way if you think otherwise. So let's do everything we can to stay in touch with Congress and make sure they don't ban firearms!

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