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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Odyssey - Athena's Council

Athena gives council before Zeus among the Immortals of Olympus as the gods turn their eyes to the affairs of men. Odysseus is detained by the goddess Calypso.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Even though there is a lot of bad in humanity, I think that we are mostly good, and that the good is stronger than the bad, and overcoming it more and more, at an accelerating pace. So I have faith in people. We must talk about the bad and how to overcome it, but not overstate how bad things are for we lucky ones who live in such good times, or take for granted how good things are. Consider what a brutal nightmare World War II was and the Cold War and how much of humanity was engulfed by them. Then consider how recently it happened. People who lived through it still walk the earth. As traumatized as our civilization must be waking up from that nightmare so recently, I think it's amazing that we are doing as well as we are. And I also think we can do even better. I have a lot of hope and love for you.

Smartest Guy In The World Says Bitcoin Is Evil

So I just saw this oped by an economics blogger at the New York Times. And I had to respond because he's saying Bitcoin is evil. Bitcoin Is Evil The Conscience of A Liberal By: Paul Krugman "It’s always important, and always hard, to distinguish positive economics — how things work — from normative economics — how things should be." Well, yeah. Those two sound about as different as science and morality. "Indeed, on many of the macro issues I’ve written about it has been obvious that large numbers of economists can’t bring themselves to make that distinction; they dislike activist government on political grounds, and this leads them to make really bad arguments about why fiscal stimulus can’t work and monetary stimulus will be disastrous. I don’t, by the way, think that this effect is symmetric: although people like Robert Lucas were quick to accuse people like Christy Romer of fabricating macro arguments to support a big-government agenda, this didn’t ac...

#WorkoutWednesday - How To Make a Pizza Protein Shake

If you're going after some hard gains in muscle mass in 2018, lifting smart and hard is the first step, but the second, indispensable step is getting enough calories in for your body to start laying down mass. From my own experimentation over the last year, I highly advocate cooking and blending high calorie meals with plenty of protein in them. Blending opens up all those calories and nutrients to instant absorption. It makes everything you're taking in readily available to your body without the work of digestion, and it is easier on your digestive tract, which will be important given how much you will have to eat to gain. Pay attention to how you're feeling, but don't worry too much about putting on some fat as well as muscle when you're trying to gain. If you're worried, lift harder. We're going to cut and get lean in late Spring. Who's with me? My Facebook My Twitter Keep Me Going: My Patreon My Tip Jar: (BTC) 1K3E6DsDdJU...

Madonna of The Lillies

Put the Christ back in Christmas. What is the meaning of Christ? Do you know? It comes from the Proto-Indo-European word Ghrei. Which means to rub. For many centuries now it has carried the connotation of anointment, which is to rub with fragrant oil. An ancient practice most likely enjoyed for its sensual benefits to both skin and nose before it took on a ceremonial character as a means to impart the anointed with divine energy to accomplish a divine purpose. So Jesus Christ literally means: God Will Save Us By Rubbing Us With Scented Oil Which makes sense if you think about it. What is oil? Like water it is essential to life. In fact the cell membrane, the wall that separated the first living cells from the ocean water around them, creating a room for them to make their own magnificent kind of order, was and still is made of oil. Like water oil can flow. But more smoothly. Noiselessly. Without crashing or splashing. It slides with the subtle perfection of a...

Bitcoin Is Not Tulips

If this is a bubble, it's bouncing right back soon enough. You'll see.

#WorkoutWednesday - How To Get A Good Tricep Workout

The secret is workout to the sounds of thousands of North Koreans mourning the death of their dear leader, Kim Jong Il. But you may want to read this guide before working out your triceps at home.

[Trigger Warning] Micro-Sparring - The Art of Self-Defense Against Micro-Aggressions

[Trigger warning: micro-aggression discussed below] Micro-aggressions happen every day. They are the common-place, brief, and subtle dismissals, slights, and insults that constitute the casual degradation of socially marginalized groups. Micro-aggressions are a 21st-century reenactment on a smaller scale of older, more severe forms of oppression and terrorism faced by minority groups. But while they are subtle... They are every bit as damaging in their effects on socially marginalized people. We will not wait for social justice to just happen while we are vulnerable. We will be prepared at all times to micro-defend ourselves against micro-aggressions, and this summary of micro-sparring principles serves as the first-of-its-kind guide to self-defense against micro-aggressions. You could think of it as a real version of the Defense Against The Dark Arts class in the Harry Potter series’ Hogwarts School of Magic, except the very name of that class could be perceived as ...

This Deleted Scene From Star Wars Is Libertarian AF

A New Hope (1977) Luke and Biggs Darklighter at Tosche Station "What good's all your uncle's work if the Empire takes it over? You know they've already started to nationalize commerce in the central systems? It won't be long before your uncle is just a tenant, slaving for the greater glory of the Empire."

I Think Most White Men Are Great!

I think most white men are great! I think most white women are too! I think most black men are also great! And I think most black women are too! I also think most brown men are great! And I think most brown women are too! And I think most yellow men are great! And I think most yellow women are too! I also think most orange men are great! And I think most orange women are too! I think most people who don't consider themselves a man or a woman are great! I think most gay men are great! I think most gay women are great! I think most bisexuals are great! I think most biracial people are great! I think most transsexuals are great! I think most people with attached earlobes are great! And I think most people with free earlobes are great too! I think most people with wide noses are great! I think most people with narrow noses are great! I think most people with a second toe longer than their big toe are great! I thin...

Would You Notice Her Pores?

They say airbrushed models and celebrities are unrealistic, but I think they are more realistic. It is the photograph that is unrealistic to begin with. We don't usually notice someone's pores when we see them face to face. When we are in the presence of someone their pores get airbrushed out by the animated spirit of their living existence, which can be unfathomably bright. That draws our attention, so we don't even notice unimportant details. The camera doesn't see like we see though, and the photograph it produces cannot capture the experience of seeing someone face to face. Instead the camera brutally captures everything that an eye without a human brain perceives, and conspicuously documents unimportant details. Airbrushing and photo shopping make the photo more like real experience. Unless you think you'd be noticing this Victoria Secret model's pores if you were face to face with her.

Stupid Democracy, Stupid Media, and Stupid Police

Eric Boehm at Reason: Doug Jones, Roy Moore, and the Politics of the Lesser Evil "The politics of the lesser evil are very much in vogue right now—though not usually in terms as stark as what we just witnessed in Alabama—because neither major party has much in the way of a compelling vision to win support. Demonizing the other side and hardening tribal lines over issues of race, class, and social policy is, if not the only way to win in that environment, then certainly the easiest. This 'negative partisanship' has infected all parts of the political dynamic, and it's getting worse. But winning elections isn't supposed to be the goal of politics. Creating policy is. And the politics of the lesser evil are not good for the creation of policy, because whoever wins gains power and therefore quickly becomes the greater evil." Jeffrey Tucker at FEE: This Bloodsport Needs to End "The left is getting nuttier, the hard right is getting scarier, and the...

Man and Woman

This Is The Story Of The Sky And The Ground When They Were Created When The GOD Who Watches Made The Ground and The Sky And Every Plant, Before It Was In The Ground And Every Flower, Before It Bloomed Because GOD Had Not Sent Rain To Water The Earth And There Was Nobody To Work The Ground But Moisture Came Up From The Earth And Made The Ground All Wet Then GOD Shaped A Man From The Dust Of The Ground And Blew The Breath Of Life Into His Nose And The Man Became A Living Animal And GOD Had Planted A Garden in the East In Eden And There He Put The Man He Had Shaped And GOD Made All Kinds of Trees Grow Out Of The Ground Trees That Looked Good And Gave Good Food And The Tree Of Life In The Middle And The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil A River To Water The Garden Flowed Out From Eden and Was Parted Into Four Headwaters The Long Red Wends Through Havilah Where There Is Gold, Resin, and Onyx The Nile ...
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