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Showing posts from August, 2017

Libertarian Solutions: How Congress Makes Hurricanes Worse and How to Keep Americans Safe From The Next Big Hurricane

The appropriations fight over federal relief funds for Hurricane Harvey is a big show of support and compassion, but it's really just another wealth transfer to the government that doesn't do anything to solve the problem at all . If Congress really cared about solving problems, they would pay out as much as they need to from the federal flood insurance program for Harvey, raise the program's budgets, whatever they need to do to fulfill promises they've made.... And in the same bill they would start to phase out the federal flood insurance program and make people pay actual market rates to private insurance companies for flood insurance by a certain target date. Then people will have to consider the real costs of building in a flood plain by a coast. Read the rest of my article , Which was graciously published at Everything Voluntary

We Need Leadership: 7 NYPD Crisis Negotiations Techniques That Trump Should Use with North Korea

As tensions between the U.S. and North Korea rise, Donald Trump could show some real and effective leadership by consulting with some of his home city’s finest and most talented police officers: the NYPD Crisis Negotiations Team. By employing their professional negotiation techniques, used to neutralize volatile situations with hostage takers, people trying to commit suicide, and other people who pose an immediate danger to themselves and others, Donald Trump could go down in history as a brilliant negotiator and a good president that made the world a safer place to live... Please read the rest of my article which has been graciously published at The Jack News . And someone tweet this at the POTUS. Let's see if we can't save the world from a nuclear war with some New York know-how.

Donald Trump Has Crossed The Line From Entertaining to Dangerously Out of Touch for Someone in His Position

I'm going to say Donald Trump has officially crossed the line from entertaining to dangerously out of touch for someone in his position. "They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen ... " Is it possible he had no idea what he was saying when he tweeted that earlier this month? An elderly North Korean woman and her grandchild wander among the debris of their home after being bombed by the U.S. Photo: Keystone/Getty Images No idea that he was talking to a country that the U.S. actually did unleash fire and fury on like the world had never seen? Like the world had never seen even after WWII and the two atomic bombs on Japan? Briefly, here's what happened... U.S. Backed South Korean Dictator, Syngman Rhee shaking hands with U.S. Rear Admiral Ralph A. Ofstie (1952) In the 1950s, North Korea sent their army south to stop the southern U.S. backed dictator Syngman Rhee, who was murdering tens of thousands of Democrats. The ...

Re: Game of Thrones Spoilers

1. Not every fan is going to be able to see the episode the night it comes out. 2. People checking their FB or Twitter feed might see anything I post, including spoilers about the episode. 3. The other fans want to enjoy every bit of the suspense that I got to enjoy when I watched the episode. 4. Even if a plot development may not be a total surprise, spoilers still KILL ALL suspense about that plot point. 4a. Even if you know something's probably going to happen, you don't know which episode you're going to get it in. 5. Game of Thrones is one of the most popular TV shows ever, with so many really devoted fans like me... 6. So when I'm excited about something that happened in a new episode, I discuss it in private conversations on social media or in person with other people who I know have already seen the episode. 7. Not on a public feed that someone casually scrolling through might have their experience ruined a little. 8. If you're a good fan...

Libertarianism, The Alt Right, and The Real Racists in Politics

So this conservative blogger, Matt Lewis, just wrote : "The Insidious Libertarian-to-Alt-Right Pipeline Is it just a phase they go through—or is there something about libertarianism that attracts, well, uh, you know, racist kooks? Libertarianism has an alt-right problem. Many prominent leaders of the alt-right have, at some point, identified as libertarian. I am curious as to... why?" ...Say what? No. Conservatism has an Alt Right problem. The Republican Party has an Alt Right problem. You won the presidency off that shit. That's yours . Don't try to blame the Alt Right on libertarians. Because I've got the answer for you right here... You know how often times a "racist" is really just a conservative winning the argument with a liberal? Yeah, well sometimes a "racist" is also just a libertarian winning the argument with a conservative. Which shows you just how little difference there is between some so-called conservat...

How to Build Business Relationships

I learned just about everything I know about business from selling millions of dollars worth of cars, trucks, and SUVs at a high volume regional automotive dealership in just under three years. And that’s saying a lot because my college degree is a Bachelor of Business and I majored in Entrepreneurship. I learned a lot during those four years, but not even close to as much as I did selling cars during those other three years. It’s a tough business to make it in because people are spending a lot of money when they buy a vehicle, they’ve never met you before, and you will probably never see each other again. And the car business created its own bad image and sowed the seeds of consumer distrust for decades before most dealerships cleaned up their act in the era of the informed customer. So I learned very quickly how to build relationships and trust in a very short amount of time. Sometimes in as little as three hours from the time I met a potential customer to the time they ...

An Open Letter to The White Supremacists

Dear All of Y'all, You know if I'm talking to you. I'm crazy to stick my neck out like this and even address you. Most will likely disagree with me to say that I think society should have an open dialogue with you. Because you're clearly unhappy, and we've got to live with you. And the consequences of your actions. So let's have it out. First off, I wish there were no public square for us to fight over in the first place. Problem solved. If I want to take a statue down on my property, that's my business. If you want to put a statue up on yours, that's yours. Instead of a public square, I wish there were a lot more private squares. And everybody has their own private square. And the size of your square is pretty much whatever you've been able to prove to your society that you're actually good enough to be responsible for. The free market is the proving grounds. And you can do what you want on your square. And I can do wha...

Is The Eclipse a Message From God?

There's no such thing as a stupid question. Let's just agree that we can't be sure it's a message from God. And then ask ourselves: "But what if it was?" for the sake of argument. Well if it was definitely a message from God... What do you think the message would be? Okay well what if the first thing that flashed into your mind after you read that (if anything) actually was the message from God? Might give you some critical insight to ponder that. One thing that flashes into my mind is that we seriously don't have enough control over the Moon. It's just flying around in circles up there willy nilly. It's one of the few aspects of nature that mankind hasn't yet subdued, as we were ordered to do by God Himself. And it's going and casting shadows on us while we're trying to go about our business! Ya know? Up there mocking us. Did you know the Moon is drawing a big X over the United States? No joke. You c...

How One Black Preacher Defeated The KKK

Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary tells how one black preacher defeated the entire Ku Klux Klan.

This Is Not America

Remarking on the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, Julian Assange tweeted a picture of it with the words, “The new face of America is eerily familiar.” With all due respect to Mr. Assange for his advancement of truly relevant journalism in our era, what we all saw happen in Charlottsville, Virginia is not the new face of America. A few hundred of these eccentric, openly racist, angry young men do not speak for or represent all of us. They hardly speak for any of us at all. The shock, disgust, and outrage at their racist and divisive message was nearly universal over the weekend. On social media, America resoundingly thundered its disapproval of the racist alt-right groups, and its heartbreak and disbelief at the appalling murder of Heather Heyer by one of the demonstrators. It’s hard for most of us to believe that in this day and age anybody can think the kind of things that these alt-right groups say... Read the rest at: The Indepen...

How to Stop a Blood Feud

I was thinking a lot over the weekend about the question: To what extent do we get more of what we pay attention to? And feed our emotion and energy into? Which is a tough question after a weekend like this. Because you don’t want to go ignoring serious problems. That certainly doesn’t make them go away. But at the same time it also seems true that we create a lot of our reality by the way we frame it. So even though probably no one I know would ever go to a Nazi march… When I look and see a Nazi march for a few days, and I see everybody talking about it, and people say this is how it is all over… I might start to feel like this is more common than it really is. And I might get curious about why it’s so popular. And I might start reading some of their literature. And if I’m a lost soul, and full of resentments and bitterness… I might latch on for the same reasons they did. And so all the media attention helped it grow. But if no counter-protesters showed ...

Look, and If I'm Completely Wrong and Kim Jong-un Is a Mad Man...

And not just a dictator in a country we bombed to hell in the 50's trying to keep himself and his people alive while Washington's occupying military forces regularly conduct war games to practice invading his country ... And he totally is just insane and potentially suicidal... And he's got nukes... And he's almost got missiles that can fly them to us... Then we definitely don't want to put more pressure on him. You think this is how hostage negotiators talk? To crazy, potentially suicidal guys who've taken hostages? We're gonna meet you "with fire and fury like the world has never seen!" Hell no. Hostage negotiators talk those guys down . They don't try to scare them and stir them up. They don't put pressure on them . Here is the NYPD Crisis Negotiations Team's 7 essential crisis negotiation skills : Crisis Negotiation Skills #1. “Talk to Me” [Keeping lines of communication open] Crisis Negotiation Skil...

Latest News on North Korea from a Libertarian Perspective

Visitors wait to enter the Museum of Natural History in Pyongyang on Sept. 28, 2016. Ed Jones—AFP/Getty Images You might not know as much about North Korea as you think. After all, how much time have you spent really paying attention to the latest news on North Korea ? Or the history of North Korea ? Or the history of U.S. actions on the Korean peninsula? Don't be too attached to a mental image of "North Korea," if the facts turn out to be different... Flag Wavers at a Stadium in Pyongyang in 2014 Eric Lafforgue Take the North Korean Economy and North Korean Famine for Instance If someone's mental image of North Korea is a place where a lot of people are starving, they're like 20 years behind. That's one of the most common clichés about North Korea, that it's a destitute, starving country. But it's not accurate anymore : "In the late 1990s, North Korea suffered a major famine that, according to the most recent re...
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