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Showing posts from January, 2017

Stanford Java Lectures: Programming Methodology with Professor Mehran Sahami [Video]

Watched 1 - 3 of these today. I imagine I'll be watching all 28. If you like to understand the fundamentals of computer programming as you learn to code, this feels very grounded, and the lecturer's style is very engaging and entertaining. Also has a lot of student participation in the form of question asking (into mics throughout the lecture hall so you can hear their questions). Fantastic stuff for beginners learning to code.

Julian Assange's Reddit AMA Literally Leaves More Unanswered Questions

After playing an historic role in the 2016 US presidential election by publishing the Clinton campaign's internal emails, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has gone on a media blitz that started with a press conference Monday and a Reddit AMA interview Tuesday . In the Monday press conference, Assange stuck by his assertion that the source of the leaks did not originate from hacking by the Russian government, and went so far as to say that US intelligence reports to the contrary are politically motivated and "quite embarrassing to the reputations of the US intelligence services." On Reddit the following day, the Australian computer programmer and controversial journalist was grilled by commenters along the same lines in his AMA (Ask Me Anything) group interview. Read the rest at The Independent Voter Network .

Donald Trump Treated That Reporter With More Respect and Dignity Than Meryl Streep

Stop yelling at me. You don't even know what I'm going to say yet. Look, this isn't because I support Trump. Because I don't. So there, now that I've made everybody hate me, let's just look at this and consider a new idea that hasn't occurred to you and maybe you can think about it. I'm just calling it like I see it... At the Golden Globes Meryl Streep took a moment that was all about honoring her and her lifetime achievement, and gave it away to Trump for more free publicity. His worst detractors just can't help themselves. They're actually his biggest fans. Meryl Streep said: "There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. There was nothing good about it. But it was effective, and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabl...

The Russian That Hacked Hillary's Emails Be Like....

"Why Does Humble Libertarian Link To Crazy Conspiracy Stuff That Undercuts Libertarianism?"

A Humble Libertarian reader messaged me on Facebook to ask: Dude is Alex Jones still on the 911 truth "Bush did it" train? reason I ask is I see that you listed them as a top 10 Libertarian site but I think crazy stuff like that undercuts pretty much everything he/Info Wars does I responded: oh yeah, but he's worse than that in a lot of ways i think with his antics, he riles up a lot of angry people with mental illness then again, i can also say that i think he reports news that MSM won't report and reports fair points about it that MSM won't make and i think the same criticism can be made of MSM (riles people up to be angry and worsens mental illness) Then he said: his Bohemian Grove stuff "Look! they are worshiping an owl!" nah it''s just a bunch of rich pricks doing some fraternal bullshit. Messamore: ^love that he had the balls to just walk up to their party and take video of it. def deserves props for that it's ...

The Federal Reserve Be Like...

15 Pictures Of Famous Politicians Throwing Up Middle Fingers

From The Richest: "Politics is a dirty business, and although politicians have to appeal to a broad section of society including straight-laced, buttoned-down squares who would never curse or lift their middle finger even when provoked, most politicians have pretty severe potty mouths behind closed doors. It’s part of the political culture. But sometimes a swear word slips through on a hot mic. Or when they’ve hit the limit of their patience, even the following famous politicians will brazenly put up a middle finger and flip off their interlocutors. On camera. Other times they’ll try to sneak one in and play it off as an articulating gesture or a scratch of the cheek. But you might be surprised which one flipped off the camera just for a laugh." Check out this list at The Richest to see one of Rand Paul flipping off the media. Hahahaha.

Louis CK's Libertarian Observation

Love this. The end part where Louis says there's always some genius who creates something beautiful and some asshole who copies his idea but makes a shittier version then takes the first guy to court in every state in America to keep his beautiful product out so the shitty imitation can rule the market... It's capitalism that would reward that brilliant first guy, and it's coercive government interference that rewards that second guy.] I was also triggered when the radio panelist said the car industry is horrible now because of all the outsourcing. Instead of saying it's horrible now because of all the unions.

SNAP: Forbes Notices Legal Marijuana Sales In US Bigger Than Dot-Com Boom

This week, Forbes shocked readers with the observation that legal marijuana sales in the United States for 2016 were larger — and growing at a faster pace — than the dot-com boom of the early 2000s. The news is based on findings by Arcview Market Research, the leading industry data researcher for the burgeoning regulated marijuana market in the United States. Read the rest at The Independent Voter Network .

Why There Are So Many Dead Libertarian Blogs Out There

When The Humble Libertarian was at the height of its activity in 2009 - 2011, I would occasionally surf the blogosphere and find myself in graveyards littered with dead blogs. Not officially retired, everybody thanked for reading and supporting, reasons given for why the blog would no longer be active, and what not... just dead. Fell off a cliff. The most recent blog post would be 10 months old and about some specific topic or event and then just nothing else after that. Just nothing. If it was a somewhat popular blog there might be some speculation in the comments. Did the blogger "Go Galt?" and give up on all this? Life is busy and blogging is time consuming. Maybe they just got to carried away by other things in their life, but why didn't they even leave us a note?? Because of DENIAL. It starts off you miss a post because yes things are very busy. But that's okay, you'll make it up. But you skipped that blog post and now you've lost you...
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