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Showing posts from August, 2012

Obama’s Department Of Justice: E-Book Readers Discriminate Against Blind People

Obama’s Department of Justice just won a legal settlement against a California library which was participating in a pilot program to allow patrons to check out e-book readers. What was the DoJ’s beef? The e-book readers weren’t accessible by the blind. But, don’t blind people kind of have a problem with books in general? Read the rest here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Ron Paul Won

In all fields of human endeavor, winning by cheating is losing. In a competition, when someone cheats, he gets disqualified. The disqualification does not make the runner-up the winner. Rather, it reveals that the man who appeared to be the runner-up had in fact been the winner all along. In the race for the GOP nomination for president, therefore, Ron Paul won..... But as a Ron Paul supporter, I can't remember feeling so invigorated and empowered in my cause. Not only did my candidate win: the GOP has given the Liberty movement the greatest gift it could have given us. It has induced a righteous indignation that will ensure that there will be no lull in the Liberty movement post-convention or post-election. It has educated us; it has brought us together like only a common hurt can, and it has freed us to do whatever needs to be done for the cause we love, wherever we need to do it. Read the rest here The Huffington Post  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Ar...

The Triumph of the Reich-Publican Party

“There’s nothing American about what just happened,” protested Nevada Republican delegate Wiselot Rouzard after the convention refused to seat the delegation from Maine. “This is the death of the Republican Party.” What Wiselot and fellow Ron Paul delegates had experienced was a memorable display of the Republican Party’s fetid essence. The tactics employed by the GOP establishment to isolate, intimidate, and ultimately to expel Ron Paul delegates were the natural product of the party’s totalitarian genetics. By using criminal means to impose a monolithic, top-down process in which an entrenched oligarchy can re-write the rules to suit its whims, the Republican Party was simply living down to its odious pedigree. From its inception, the Republican Party has been devoted to a doctrine properly called national socialism – the fusion of politically favored corporate interests with national bank and an all-powerful, militaristic central government. This is why Dr. Paul’s nob...

Campaign 2012's Biggest Disconnect: Americans Want Out of Afghanistan, Candidates Would Rather Ignore It

Arianna Huffington is right. Neither party wants to talk about the wars or foreign policy. The American voters are expected to pretend that they just don't exist. War, the new normal! You'd think a ten-and-a-half year war would be a major issue in a presidential campaign -- especially a war going as badly as the one in Afghanistan. And especially in the wake of Sen. Jay Rockefeller publicly urging President Obama to speed up the withdrawal of U.S. troops. Maybe if the administration proposed funding a Planned Parenthood clinic in Kandahar, the war might get the place it deserves in the national conversation. Our political and media establishments seem to regard being in a constant state of war as simply part of the "new normal" (to go along with over 8 percent unemployment). Things continue to go from bad to worse, yet we continue to be wedded to plans for a gradual withdrawal that will leave troops in Afghanistan until some point in 2014. Read the rest...

RNC Rules Vote Was Scripted!

It's difficult to imagine a more blatant example of political corruption than what we've witnessed at the RNC this week. Many are aware of the unethical rule changes and the disregard of duly appointed non-Romney delegates. But Ben Swann of Cincinnati's Fox affiliate has brought to light evidence that this raw deal is far more dirty than some may have thought. Share this EVERYWHERE.

The 2012 GOP Primary By the Numbers and the Future of Ballot Box Liberty

It's been a most disappointing 2012 Republican primary season for the dedicated liberty activists striving to restore the Constitution and liberty. Unfortunately, they hit a brick wall and that brick wall is the liberty hating Republican voting base. It's been a most disappointing 2012 Republican primary season for the dedicated liberty activists striving to restore the Constitution and liberty. Unfortunately, they hit a brick wall and that brick wall is the liberty hating Republican voting base. So what chance does liberty stand in this cesspool of statist warmongering liberty slashing collectivists? While Lady Liberty has definitely lost another battle, she hasn't lost the war because the liberty movement is growing and its growth is siphoning off voters from both the left and the right. Do liberty activists have any ballot box power? It's a valid question and one that will undoubtedly be definitively answered in the November general election. In 2008, O...

RNC Ratings Night Two: Networks Lose 17 Million Viewers Compared To Night Two Of 2008 RNC

On night two of the Republican National Convention, Fox News Channel was once again the network more people went to to get their political fix. That said, every network was down substantially from the same night in 2008, when Sarah Palin made her RNC debut. Read the rest here TVnewser  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Chicago Fed President Wants Global Money Printing

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans urged easier monetary policy around the world, reports Bloomberg.  “I don’t need to see any more data to know that I think we should have more accommodation,” Evans said to reporters today in Beijing, referring to the U.S. “I certainly would applaud anybody who takes action in order to strengthen their economies” around the world, including China, he said, according to B. Read the rest here Economic Policy Journal  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Grover Norquist: Budget Hawks or Military Hawks?

Grover Norquist continues to gently unwrap the fiscal hypocrisy of the hawks in this interview with the Cato Institute. See the video here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

LAPD Officers Caught On Video Body Slamming Nurse After Traffic Stop and Then Giving Each Other Celebratory Fist Bump

Another example of the violence of Police State USA. There is another claim of excessive force and abuse against officers with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) after two officers who were allegedly caught on surveillance camera (shown below) slamming a nurse, Michelle Jordan, 34, on the ground twice after a traffic stop. Not only is the basis for the action in doubt, but the two officers are shown giving each other a fist bump afterwards. Read the rest here Jonathan Turley  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Gun Manufacturers May Head West if State Microstamping Laws Are Passed

One of the great things about liberty is that you can vote with your feet. Gun control fanatics in New York and Connecticut are getting ready to pass laws that will require gun manufacturers to stamp their guns’ barrels with new ID markers. Western states do not require this. “Howdy, partner!” Neither do Southern states. “Y’all come!” Remington and Colt say they will consider closing plants in New York and Connecticut if these laws are passed. One gun control legislator is outraged. It’s unfair! They should grin and bear it! Read the rest here The Tea Party Economist  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Liberty Is a State of Being

By: Eric Sharp Sadhguru Vasudev cautions those that want to change the world to first rid their own hearts of fear and pain, before embarking to change the way others live-- otherwise one will only transcribe one's own darkness upon the world and make a bigger mess. Before you can bring the message of liberty to anyone, you must first "live in truth" and experience liberty in your mind and heart. If your heart, mind, and body are not aligned to the same purpose your message will be muddled. As the saying goes, "No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care." But if you have dedicated your entire being to freedom and really feel it, then no force can stop our message. Do it now. Break yourself apart from the archetypal authoritarian nested deep in your mind. Cease your fevered dreams of wandering the Stately Halls, searching for meaning that isn't there. Krishnamurti writes: It is very easy to conform to what your soc...

Keeping the LOVE in R 3VOL UTION

By: Eric Sharp We tout "The R3VOLUTION" -- a revolution of love. But let us remember what that means. When we offer our solutions to the problems of society, we must first state our opposition to the status quo. If we don't do that then we have no credibility. Libertarianism is not and should never be an endorsement of the system that exists now. That means that if people are suffering under the current system, we must acknowledge that suffering . Only once we have done that will they listen. For someone who is starving, or is sick and dying from lack of proper health care it does not matter how they get food or care -- especially if their suffering is not acknowledged first. If libertarianism is not an answer to suffering then it is meaningless. Fortunately, it is an answer, but we as a movement often forget to stress this point. We must create a world where the stitches that seam the planet together are love, compassion, and friendship -- rather t...

The Alternative and Antidote to the Major Party Statist Candidates...

America is faced with a choice on November 6, 2012 of selecting, and voting for one of "the lesser of two evils." Both Barrack Hussein Obama and Mitt Willard Romney are statists who believe in the power of government to correct perceived societal, economic, and political problems. They both believe the government, rather than the individual(s) has the solutions to problems and therefore believe government creates the environment that leads to prosperity and growth. The paths each advocate are different, but ultimately both paths lead to tyranny. A reality wherein the government reverses roles on the people and the people begin to work for the government. In direct contradiction to our founding principles and our Constitution. Gary Johnson, a limited government, fiscal conservative, pro defense (yet anti MIC), libertarian (liberal) on social issues, and vocal supporter of individual liberty is a man with a clear vision for America, he understands the direction the n...

Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S. high school students

Brave New Schools. A chimpanzee is now smarter than American high school students.  A twenties-something "genius ape" named Natasha has been found to demonstrate more intelligence than a typical U.S. high school student. The findings have been published in the peer-reviewed science journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. As the paper documents, Natasha repeatedly demonstrates skills and reasoning that escape modern-day high school students. Read the rest here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Ron Paul Delegates Walk Off RNC Floor in Protest

"It's an embarassment to the process, it's an embarassment to the state of Maine, and to the party as a whole how things were conducted today," said Maine National Committeewoman Ashley Ryan minutes after half the Maine delegation walked off the Republican National Convention floor in protest. Ron Paul-supporting delegates have accused the Republican establishment of changing the rules of the seating process in order to avoid embarassment for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Their arguments are not without merit. The Ron Paul faction did not go out quietly, cheering loudly whenever Ron Paul delegates were announced and yelling out the running tally of Paul votes every time the convention announcer failed to do so. Read the rest here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away

Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you. And without you knowing it. Read the rest here Information Clearing House  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

The rEbublican pArty Attempting to Limit Voter Choice in Iowa... It Won't Stop There

Mittens has declared WAR on the Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson. As could be expected the new neo Fascist rEpublican party and its sorry excuse of a presumptive nominee, Willard Mittens Romneyskull, is trying the usual underhanded tactics so common in the new neo Fascist rEpublican party. They are trying to shut down Gary Johnson's Libertarian run for the presidency by attempting to get him removed from the ballot. All I say is these sorry a** boys must be really scared as it appears they are shi**ing themselves in their attempt to vaporize what they believe is support that would be theirs were it not for the candidacy of Gary Johnson. Well boys and girls, guess what... You haven't earned the support of, or the respect of Gary Johnson or Ron Paul supporters. In fact it is indeed bewildering why ANYBODY would support the rEpublican party today.. Every liberty minded true Republican and independent ought to throw their support solidly behind Gary Johnson. If for no...

The Day The Republican Party Died

I believe future historians will teach that August 24th, 2012 was the day the Republican Party died. This is the day that the Grand Old Party showed it was no longer grand, but merely a party of “Good Old Boys.” The actions of the Credentials and Rules Committees on this date clearly show this to be the case. I am a 51-year-old, lifelong Republican. More than that, I’m the third generation (in a row) of my family to be active in the party. Read the rest here The Unconventional Conservative  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

The RNC has Plunged into Full Throttle Suicide Mode

A war is brewing within the GOP rank and file and all because insecure and paranoid Romney demanded RNC rules changes that would squash grassroots power in 2016 and concentrate all Republican decision making authority, including rule making and delegate selections, into the hands of about 10 all powerful GOP elites. Forget that Romney hasn't even been elected; he's already crowned himself emperor with absolute authority. This issue is smoking hot and not because Republicans even care about liberty. Everybody in the GOP was silent (or cheering) when Ron Paul and the Paulites were being squashed, disenfranchised of their delegate status and churned into Satan for the crime of advocating for the restoration of the Constitution. Read the rest here Judy Morris Report  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Steven Spielberg to Make Phony Movie of Fake Osama Death Book?

Hollywood has always been the government's chief propaganda vehicle. If the Navy Seal who wrote this book told the truth, he'd be a cellmate of Bradley Manning. Steven Spielberg meets with Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote inside account of Osama bin Laden raid to discuss film rights to his story ... Soldier identified as retired Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette on Thursday. His photograph and name posted on al Qaeda website on Friday. Pentagon says release of his name is a security concern. Pentagon, CIA and White House among the agencies who have not seen the book, written anonymously by a SEAL Team Six member ... Bissonnette could face federal charges if classified information is revealed in the book. Will hit bookshelves on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks – Daily Mail Reporter Read the rest here The Daily Bell  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

All Nine Wounded in New York Were Shot By NYPD Officers

Reports now indicate that all nine wounded bystanders in the recent shooting near the Empire State building were shot not by the gunman, Jeffrey Johnson, 58, (left) but by police officers.... There has been a long controversy over the switch of police officers to automatic or semi-automatic weapons with the capability if firing dozens of bullets in a clip. Critics have charged that the rate of fire has increased due to the switch with rising numbers of bystander injuries. The question is whether someone like Asika could sue. Courts generally treat such shootings as covered by immunity rules and thus insulated from civil liability. Read the rest here Jonathan Turley Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Rule changes forced through by Romney campaign at RNC provoke grassroots backlash

Rule changes pushed through by the Romney campaign that appear designed to prevent an insurgent candidacy like that of Ron Paul from mounting any meaningful challenge to the party establishment in the future are provoking a strong grassroots reaction. One blogger at the website of the pro-Tea Party organization FreedomWorks complained on Sunday, “As you may know the Romney camp is pushing new rules that would strip grassroots activists of any meaningful ability to participate in presidential politics. The process has always been bottom-up, but Romney officials have rewritten the rules so that the nominee can stifle any dissent on the platform committee and even unseat delegates.” Read the rest here The Raw Story  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

Romney Economist Says Bernanke Has Done an “Excellent” Job

We have previously noted our surprise that Romney would name two well known Keynesian economists, Glenn Hubbard and Greg Mankiw, both former Chairmen of George Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, to be his chief economic advisors. Now Hubbard has not only said that Ben Bernanke should be considered for reappointment as chairman of the Fed, when Romney had already said that Bernanke would not be reappointed. In addition, Hubbard said that Bernanke did an “excellent” job following the Crash. Read the rest here  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website

17 Afghans beheaded in insurgent attack on party

17 Afghans beheaded for dancing. Insurgents beheaded 17 civilians in a Taliban-controlled area of southern Afghanistan, apparently because they attended a dance party that flouted the extreme brand of Islam embraced by the militants, officials said Monday. The killings, in a district where U.S. Marines have battled the Taliban for years, were a reminder of how much power the insurgent group still wields in the south — particularly as international forces draw down and hand areas over to Afghan forces. Read the rest here Yahoo! News  Judy Morris , Blogger, T H L Articles | Website
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